Xeeda’s Privacy Policy

Xeeda protects your privacy. This policy describes what personal data Xeeda processes, how we protect it and what rights you have.

The policy applies to you who have visited our website, have participated in one of our seminars, have shown interest in Xeeda as an employer, have had a dialogue with a business manager at Xeeda, have a contractual relationship with Xeeda or for other reasons are part of our network.

This document has been prepared in order to clarify how Xeeda, in accordance with current personal data legislation, perceives the division of responsibilities for the processing of personal data.

We ensure your privacy and your right to control your personal data by complying with the requirements defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Read more about GDPR on the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection’s (IMY) website, www.imy.se.


Personal data

A personal data is something that can directly or indirectly identify a physically living person. Examples of personal data are name, social security number, address, telephone number but also data about IP numbers or photos in combination with other data that can be linked to a natural person.


Processing of personal data includes all handling of personal data, e.g., collection, registration, analysis, processing, storage and deletion.

Personal data controller

The person responsible for personal data is the one who decides for what purposes the data is to be processed and how the processing is to take place. Xeeda is ultimately responsible for processing personal data. Only persons with authorization have access to the personal data.

Personal data processor

A personal data processor is a company that processes personal data on behalf of Xeeda and in accordance with our instructions. When your personal data is shared with processors, it is only for purposes that are compatible with the purposes for which we have collected the data (e.g., when recruiting). In cases where Xeeda engages personal data processors, Xeeda signs a Personal Data Processing Agreement with the suppliers concerned. The Personal Data Processing Agreement ensures that all processing of personal data takes place in accordance with current data protection legislation.

What personal data we save and why

Xeeda only processes personal data relevant to the purpose in question. Examples of such personal data are name, e-mail address, telephone number or other data that is important in our relationship with you. We collect data when you interact with us via our website, e-mail and post on social media, or if we collaborate personally with you or your company. We do this to fulfill a legal obligation or a contract with you, but processing can also take place with legitimate interests as the lawful basis.

How we protect your personal data

Xeeda has taken special security measures to protect your personal data against illegal or unauthorized processing. Only those persons who actually need to process your personal data in order for us to fulfill our stated purposes have access to them.

How long we save the personal data

We store your personal data only for as long as necessary. We never process your personal data for a longer period than is permitted by applicable law, regulation, practice or official decision. If you have entered into an agreement with Xeeda, we will store data for as long as the agreement is valid.

Your rights

Xeeda respects your rights and protects your personal data from dissemination and unauthorized use. You can always contact us by emailing info@xeeda.se and:

  • Request information about the personal data about you we process. If you want such information, you can make a request for an extract from the register or data portability with us.
  • Request correction of personal data concerning you in cases where they are incorrect.
  • Request that we delete your personal data. However, we may not delete data that other laws require us to retain.
  • Make objections to our processing of your personal data


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The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection is the authority responsible for monitoring the application of the legislation. If you believe that Xeeda has processed your personal data incorrectly, you can, in addition to contacting info@xeeda.se, submit a complaint to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.

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